BPM 2024 in Krakow (1-6.09.2024)

The International Conference on Business Process Management can be seen as the most established meeting place for international BPM researchers, attracting several hundred enthusiasts each year.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you at BPM 2024 in Krakow, organised by a leading technical university in Poland – the AGH University of Krakow!

Platinum sponsor

Gold sponsor

Bronze sponsor

Conference Schedule

1.9.2024Doctoral Consortium
3–5.09.2024Main Conference (including Industry Forum)
6.09.2024Co-located Event: 5th BPM Symposium (in Polish)

We cordially invite researchers and practitioners to attend the BPM 2024 conference.

Most calls are closed, but there is still possibility to submit your work to Demos and Resources session!

The conference is structured along three tracks:

  • Track I: Foundations
  • Track II: Engineering
  • Track III: Management

Check the list of accepted papers:

Find out more about the tracks in Call for Research Papers and check other Calls. Moreover, the conference is accompanied by co-located events, such as Doctoral Consortium, Workshops, Forums, Demos, and Tutorials, as well as, in Poland, there will be the 5th Polish BPM Forum.

Learn more about the people behind the BPM Conference Series.

Academic Partners and Honorary Patronages

Minister of Science logo
Honorary Patronage
Minister of Science
Krakow Logo